On 11/01/2010 01:31 PM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
Hi folks,

My niece is interested in programming and python looks like a good
choice (she already wrote a couple of lines :)) She is 10 and I
thought it would be good to have a bunch of playful coding problems
for her, stuff that she could code herself maybe after some initial

Do you guys know problems like these? Or a good resource where to look them up?


Does she like robots? My kid's school started a program last year (for 5th and 6th graders) that taught some Python programming in the guise of controlling a small robot.

The programs was created by Institute for Personal Robots in Education <http://wiki.roboteducation.org/Institute_for_Personal_Robots_in_Education> (IPRE) at http://wiki.roboteducation.org/Main_Page.

The hardware is the scribbler robot (http://wiki.roboteducation.org/Myro_Hardware) controlled via a bluetooth connection. It has the ability to move forward/backward at varying speeds and turn radii, dragging a pen for drawing if you wish. It has IR and light sensors, and a camera. It also has several programmable LEDs, and can play music and make beeps.

The software is a Python library called Myro (http://wiki.roboteducation.org/Myro_Reference_Manual) that allows to control the scribbler interactively (through Idle) or via written/save Python files.

By the end of one semester, (some of) the kids were able to program small Python loops and a few if statements based on sensor values for object avoidance or light following and such.

Great fun (and a bit of Python programming) was had by all.

Gary Herron, PhD.
Department of Computer Science
DigiPen Institute of Technology
(425) 895-4418


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