On 16.11.2010 22:56, Boštjan Mejak wrote:

how does one write a raw unicode docstring? If I have backslashes in
the docstring, I must tuck an 'r' in front of it, like this:
r"""This is a raw docstring."""

If I have foreign letters in the docstring, I must tuck a 'u' in front
of it, like this:
u"""This is a Unicode docstring."""

What if I have foreign characters *and* backslashes in my docstring?
How to write the docstring then?
ru"""My raw unicode docstring."""
ur"""My unicode docstring."""

Please answer my question, although it may sound like a noobish one. Thanks.

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>>> ru"Scheißt\nderBär\nim Wald?"
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    ru"Scheißt\nderBär\nim Wald?"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> ur"Scheißt\nderBär\nim Wald?"
u'Schei\xdft\\nderB\xe4r\\nim Wald?'

Looks like ur"" works fine.


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