Am 18.11.2010 17:27, schrieb Daniel Fetchinson:
I do a recursive evaluation of an expression involving fractions and unsurprisingly the numerator and denominator grows pretty quickly. After 10-20 iterations the number of digits in the numerator and denominator (as integers) reaches 80-100. And I'm wondering until what point I can trust the result since I'm using fractions.Fraction for the whole procedure. Are Fraction's infinite precision? Or will I get some sort of an exception if python is not able to represent the numerator and/or denominator as integers? was not very helpful in this regard nor was Any ideas? Cheers, Daniel
I'm not sure what you really want to know. Fractions are, by their math definition, of unlimited precision.For example, PI/2 is accurate (with endless precision as PI is a trancendent number),
but 3.1415926/2 (the decimal representation) is not. So is fraction.Fraction(1,3) of unlimited precision, thus giving this: from fractions import Fraction >>> one_tenth=Fraction(1,10) >>> a = one_tenth+one_tenth >>> a Fraction(1, 5) >>> a = one_tenth+one_tenth+one_tenth >>> a Fraction(3, 10) now compare to standard floats: >>> one_tenth=1.0/10 >>> a = one_tenth+one_tenth >>> a 0.2 >>> a = one_tenth+one_tenth+one_tenth >>> a 0.30000000000000004(this error is caused by the internal representation of floats as binary numbers, see No. 14 in Python tut).
I think you really want to know, how large numerator/denominator can be.As python has bignum support (type=long), the only limit is the one your virtual memory system
offers, which is almost always approx. the amount of ram. If you need it really *precise*, cast your Fractions into type Decimal: >>> from decimal import Decimal >>> one_tenth=Fraction(1,10) >>> three_tenth = one_tenth*3 >>> d = Decimal(three_tenth.numerator)/Decimal(three_tenth.denominator) >>> d Decimal('0.3') The operator '/' (__div__) is properly over-written.You can even tweak the precision getcontext().prec by setting it to a higher value.
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