On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 3:26 AM, neocortex <pmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The library doesn't seem to have built-in support for filtering by
>> language (and Google lacks a search query-string-based operator for
>> that), but it looks like you could implement that feature by adding an
>> "lr" parameter with an appropriate value to the query `args`
>> dictionary. See the "lr?" entry under "Web Search Specific Arguments"
>> onhttp://code.google.com/apis/websearch/docs/reference.html, and
>> lines 68 & 102 of pygoogle.py.
> From those lines, it can be concluded that lr=lang_?? is not
> supported, unfortunately.

Right; that's why I said "you could implement that feature". Pretty
easily it would seem.

> And, when I execute, I get an error.

What exactly are you executing, and what's the exact error? Vagueness
is the enemy of debugging.


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