On 2010-11-22 08:12:27 -0500, markhanif...@gmail.com said:

All opinions are biased.

All opinions show some bias. Not all opinions represent what is usually called a "conflict of interest." Since JH makes his living selling tools and training for certain languages, he has a severe conflict of interest wrt asessing the value of various other languages. If these other languages are just as good or better than those he makes his living from, it would be very damaging to his livlihood for him to admit this fact. As a result, he is a completely unreliable source on the question.

This is why judges must recuse themselves from both civil and criminal trials if they have some significant conflict of interest. The law recognizes that we cannot expect a fair judgement from someone who stands to profit significantly if the judgement goes one way or the other. Similarly, we cannot expect a fair judgement on the relative value of various language tools from a person whose livlihood depends on the audience choosing only those certain language tools that he sells services and training for.

warmest regards,


Raffael Cavallaro


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