On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 11:36:05 +0100, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

>  tests/
>    foo.py # defines TestFoo1 and TestFoo2 
>    bar.py # defines TestBar1 and TestBar2
> What I would like to do now is this:
>  from tests import *
>  unittest.main()
> In other words, import all test files and run them. This does import
> them, but it turns out that I end up with modules foo and bar, and the
> unittests inside those are not found.

Given the directory structure you show, I find that hard to believe. You 
should get an ImportError, as there is no module or package called 

But suppose you turn tests into a proper package:


You could have __init__.py include these lines:

from foo import *
from bar import *

Then later, when you do this:

from tests import * 

it will pick up everything from foo and bar, and unittest.main() should 
run those tests as well. I think.

Or you could just do:

for module in (foo, bar):
    except SystemExit:

> PS: I've been trying a few things here, and stumbled across another
> thing that could provide a solution. I can "from tests import *", but
> then all these modules will pollute my namespace. I can "import tests", 
> but then neither of the submodules will be in "tests". I tried "import
> tests.*", but that doesn't work. Is there no way to import a whole
> package but with its namespace?

The package needs to know what submodules to make available. Put inside 

import foo
import bar

and then from outside the package, do this:

import tests

Now tests.foo and tests.bar will exist.


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