Every time I attempt to look at the Python Business
Forum (www.python-in-business.org), I encounter an error that starts
like this:
  Site Error
  An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
  Sorry, a site error occurred.
  Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 150, in publish_module....

I thought it might be temporary, but I have encountered the same error
for a couple of weeks.  I know other parts of the Python Business Forum
site work since I have been sent links to the European PyCon 2005 for

Is there another URL for the Python Business Forum that has a site map
or something similar?  I am guessing someone has had and been given an
answer to the problem I am having, but I have not been able to locate
it.  I did a search of this forum, but almost all references to "Python
Business Forum" were in Dr. Dobbs postings.

Thanks for your help,


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