Both paradigms are in the bash shell. Using a test switch (like -x for executiable) mixed with an && or ||.
        [-x /usr/bin/firefox ] || exit

I think it's very clear, to old hands, but not so much for a new or
intermediate users.

It certainly is the 'cleaner' form. Like the C style increment " x++ " or the insidious " x += 4 ". However I often found myself looking for places to use "x += 4" instead of just using the clear:
        "x = x + 4 ".

Unless there is a significant compiler/executable improvement it just there to amuse yourself.

        if v:

structure is clearer. Which is the only reason to use indents, braces and the like. I suppose that's my vote/opinion. Given a choice between clean or clear, take clear.


On 11/24/2010 10:46 AM, Gerald Britton wrote:
Writing in Python gives me the luxury of choosing different paradigms
for similar operations.  Lately I've been thinking about a minor
detail that peaked my interest and am curious what others think:

Say that I have some function "f" that I will execute if some variable
"v" evaluates true.  Using a classical procedural approach, I might

     if v:

I might, however, think more in a functional-programming direction.
Then I might write:

     v and f()

Interestingly, this second expression compiles smaller (though only by
a little) in both Python 2.6 and 3.1, which I currently have
installed.  If I had thousands of such expressions, I could boast
about a measurable difference but practically speaking, it is not

What I _am_ interested in, however, is feedback from a style perspective.

What do the rest of you think about this?

Have you used the second approach and, if so, what was your motivation?

Is there a good/bad reason to choose one over the other?


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