On 2010-11-30, goldtech <goldt...@worldpost.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> say:
>>>> import re
>>>>> m="oooocccvlvlvlvnnnflfllffccclfnnnooo"
>>>> re.compile(r'ccc.*nnn')
>>>> rtt=pppp.sub("||",m)
>>>> rtt
> 'oooo||ooo'
> The regex is eating up too much. What I want is every non-overlapping
> occurrence I think.
> so rtt would be:
> 'oooo||flfllff||ooo'

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>>> import re
>>> m="oooocccvlvlvlvnnnflfllffccclfnnnooo"
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'ccc[^n]*nnn')
>>> pattern.sub("||", m)

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