Twisted 10.2.0, the third Twisted release of 2010, has emerged from the 
mysterious depths of Twisted Matrix Labs, as so many releases before it.  
Survivors of the release process - what few there were of them - have been 
heard to claim that this version is "awesome", "even more robust", "fun-sized" 
and "oven fresh".

Crossing several things that shouldn't ought to be, including the streams and 
the rubicon, I have assumed the triple responsibilities of feature author, 
project leader, *and* release manager for 10.2: with this dark and terrible 
power - a power which no man ought to wield alone - I have wrought a release 
which contains many exciting new features, including:

    - A plug-in API for adding new types of endpoint descriptions. 
    - A new, simpler, substantially more robust CoreFoundation reactor.  
    - Improvements to the implementation of Deferred which should both improve 
      and fix certain runtime errors with long callback chains. 
    - Deferred.setTimeout is (finally) gone.  To quote the author of this 
      "A new era of peace has started."  <>
    - NetstringReceiver is substantially faster. <>

And, of course, nearly one hundred smaller bug fixes, documentation updates, 
and general improvements.  See the NEWS file included in the release for more 

Look upon our Twisted, ye mighty, and make your network applications 
event-driven: get it now, from:


... or simply install the 'Twisted' package from PyPI.

Many thanks to Christopher Armstrong, for his work on release-automation tools 
that made this possible; to Jonathan Lange, for thoroughly documenting the 
process and thereby making my ascent to the throne of release manager possible, 
and to Jean-Paul Calderone for his tireless maintenance of our build and test 
infrastructure as well as his help with the release.

Most of all, thanks to everyone who contributed a patch, reported a bug or 
reviewed a ticket for 10.2.  Not including those already thanked, there are 41 
of you, so it would be a bit tedious to go through everyone, but you know who 
you are and we absolutely couldn't do it without you!  Thanks a ton!


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