On 11/30/2010 9:37 AM, Xavier Heruacles wrote:
I'm basically a c/c++ programmer and recently come to python for some
web development. Using django and javascript I'm afraid I can develop
some web application now. But often I feel I'm not good at python. I
don't know much about generators, descriptors and decorators(although I
can use some of it to accomplish something, but I don't think I'm
capable of knowing its internals). I find my code ugly, and it seems
near everything are already gotten done by the libraries. When I want to
do something, I just find some libraries or modules and then just finish
the work. So I'm a bit tired of just doing this kind of high level
scripting, only to find myself a bad programmer. Then my question is
after one coded some kind of basic app, how one can keep on learning
programming using python?
Do some more interesting projects? Read more general books about
programming? or...?

You can use both your old C skills and new Python skills by helping to develop Python by working on issues on the tracker bugs.python.org. If you are interested but needed help getting started, ask.

Terry Jan Reedy


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