On Thu, 02 Dec 2010 17:33:47 -0800, Aahz wrote:

> Please demonstrate that using ``if`` blocks for True/False is impler and
> cleaner than using ``try`` blocks to handle exceptions.

It is my personal preference and coding style for certain situations I 
encounter in my own programs and not something that I could prove to 
anybody else by theory.

But anyway, in certain circumstances, exceptions create a break in flow 
of the execution of a program that makes it non-obvious as to how to 
resume flow at the point of disruption especially when the exception 
handling mechanism is at a higher level. While an error flag can simply 
set an alarm and allow other code to continue and allow the calling 
higher-level code to handle the alarm/flag as it sees fit.

Harishankar (http://harishankar.org http://lawstudentscommunity.com)


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