I would like to design a web site that can be used to help people to find a cat
that they can adopt. Note, this is a non-profit project, but one that I
believe to be quite important. Here are some of my initial thoughts on this

/Site purpose:/

*To provide a web site for anyone to look at information on cats at this home, and how
they can adopt one or more of these homeless cats.*

/Some features of the site:/

1. A cat database that I as the web site designer would create. This database 
contain an entry for each cat available for adoption. It would include such things as the name, sex, age, paths to image(s) and/or video(s) of the cat, health status,
   etc (see below).

2. Anyone accessing this site should be able to easily navigate around it and to
   examine entries in this database. The client (designated person at the home
   where the cats are kept for adoption) would be given privileges to modify the
   database (add, delete, and modify entries). The user interface for the client
   to update the database should be very easy to use. This GUI provided to the
   client for modification of the database would be written in Python.

3. There would be no inputs to this web site. There would be an embedded link 
for a
   potential customer to send an email to the responsible person (bringing up
   their email client).

4. Track number of visitors to the site.

/Preliminary notes on the database/

- ID code (key)
- Name
- Sex (M / F)
- Neutered / Not neutered
- Age (estimated)
- Type (breed)
- Tagged (chip or ear marking)/ Not tagged
- Checked In date (yy/mm/dd)
- Checked Out date (yy/mm/dd)
- Status (needs home / has home)
- Social state (1,2,3,4,5)
- Health state (1,2,3,4,5)
- Companion state (1,2,3,4,5)
- Image (file name) % multiple files allowed
- Video (file name) % multiple files allowed
- Medical/vet data (text on vaccinations, etc.)
- General information (text on cat that includes comments, observations, etc.)


Notes on database:

  * state = 1, Best
            5, Worst

          Social state = 5, very unfriendly, afraid, etc.
                         3, can touch if careful
                         1, very friendly, unafraid

          Health state = 5, not in good health (e.g. infection)
                         3, only minor health problems
                         1, in very good health

   Companion state = 5, must have another cat or cats as company
                     3, could be with other cat(s) company
                     1, does not need the company of another cat

Now, with this initial information (granted this is very rough), my question:

*How, armed with Python 2.6 (or 2.7) and all of the Python packages available,
should I attack the problem of getting this web site up and running on a Windows

Please keep in mind that do have some experience with Python and HTML; but, this
 would be my first web site project using Python.

Any suggestions, study plan, references, etc. would be welcomed.


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