On 12/07/2010 10:56 AM, Nate wrote:
On Dec 7, 8:32 am, Adam Tauno Williams<awill...@whitemice.org>  wrote:
I'm in the process of developing a task engine / workflow module for
my Python application and I'm wondering if anyone knows of existing
code that could be used or adapted.  Since I know that's far too
generic a question, let me share my goals:
1) Support long running operations (think backing up millions of
files) where:
    - The operation can be paused (application closed) and the
operation resumed later.
    - Individual tasks can be chained, run in parallel, or looped over
(the workflow part)

We have something like that in OIE (OpenGroupware Integration Engine).

I'll take a look at the project.  At the very least, seeing someone
else's solution would be helpful.  I'm trying desperately hard to keep
the code simple :-)

You might also want to look at Celery[1] which may do some (if not all) of what you're looking for.




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