On Dec 7, 10:52 am, gst <g.sta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I met a situation where I was passing an object created in/with an
> upper level module class to a lower level module class' instance in
> one of its __init__ argument and saving a ref of the upper object in
> that lower level class' new instance.
> But in my IDE I want the completion to also work from within the lower
> level module when it's refering to the object passed from the upper
> level:
> Well, I'm sure I'm not very clear in my terms (and probably a bit long
> in the sentence) so here it is in code:
> files:
> module1.py
> subpackage/module2.py
> file module1.py:
> from subpackage.module2 import class2
> class class1(object):
>     def __new__(cls, _self=None, *args, **kwargs):
>         if _self:  ## we've been passed an instance already
> initialyzed
>                      ## so directly return it instead of creating a
> new object.
>             return _self
>         return object.__new__(cls)
>     def __init__(self, _self=None, *args, **kwargs):
>         if _self:  ## we've been passed an instance already
> initialyzed
>                      ## so directly returns
>             ## assert(self is _self) ?
>             return
>         self.object2 = class2(object1=self, "blip", "blop")
>         # others init
> file module2.py:
> class class2(object):
>     def __init__(self, object1, *args, **kwargs):
>         from ..module1 import class1
>         self.object1 = class1(_self=object1)    ## instead of:
> self.object1 = object1
>     ## others functions and/or init..
>     ## where  now I've completion working on self.object1 :
>     ## if I add(or remove) fields/methods in module1 (and save) then
>     ## I have them available(or disappeared) in the completion when
> executed from this submodule.
>     ## This ofcourse permits to save me of remembering all of the
> class1 attributes/methods when I'm working with self.object1 from
> within one of class2 methods.
> What do you think of this ?
> I guess there can be others ways of doing this..  ?
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Greg.
> note: I'm using Eclipse 3.5.2 with pydev so (I don't really know how
> others IDE can handle this case) .

You might want to test with Wing IDE http://wingware.com/
using the 10 day trial version to see if that works just for kicks.
I've heard it has the best autocomplete of all IDEs out there.

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