Peter Otten wrote:

> gry wrote:
>> [python-2.4.3, rh CentOS release 5.5 linux, 24 xeon cpu's, 24GB ram]
>> I have a little data generator that I'd like to go faster... any
>> suggestions?
>> maxint is usually 9223372036854775808(max 64bit int), but could
>> occasionally be 99.
>> width is usually 500 or 1600, rows ~ 5000.
>> from random import randint
>> def row(i, wd, mx):
>>     first = ['%d' % i]
>>     rest =  ['%d' % randint(1, mx) for i in range(wd - 1)]
>>     return first + rest
>> ...
>>     while True:
>>         print "copy %s from stdin direct delimiter ',';" % table_name
>>         for i in range(i,i+rows):
>>             print ','.join(row(i, width, maxint))
>>         print '\.'
> I see the biggest potential in inlining randint. Unfortunately you did not
> provide an executable script and I had to make it up:

> $ time python > /dev/null
> real    0m2.004s
> user    0m2.000s
> sys     0m0.000s

On second thought, if you have numpy available:

$ cat
from numpy.random import randint
import sys

def row(i, wd, mx):
    first = ['%d' % i]
    rest =  ['%d' % i for i in randint(1, mx, wd - 1)]
    return first + rest

def main():
    table_name = "unknown"
    maxint = sys.maxint
    width = 500
    rows = 1000
    offset = 0

    print "copy %s from stdin direct delimiter ',';" % table_name
    for i in range(offset, offset+rows):
        print ','.join(row(i, width, maxint))
    print '\.'

if __name__ == "__main__":
$ time python > /dev/null

real    0m1.024s
user    0m1.010s
sys     0m0.010s



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