On 12/14/2010 10:27 AM Akand Islam said...
On Dec 13, 4:33 pm, "Rhodri James"<rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk>
On Fri, 10 Dec 2010 17:11:55 -0000, Akand Islam<sohel...@gmail.com>  wrote:
In my system (Ubuntu 10.04) there are sage-4.6, python 2.6.5, tk8.5-
dev installed. When I give command from terminal "sage -f
python-2.6.5.p8" to get sage's python it shows following message:

  No command 'sage' found, did you mean:

This means that no sage command was found on your path. Check to be sure that ~/Desktop is in your path.


  Command 'save' from package 'atfs' (universe)
  Command 'page' from package 'tcllib' (universe)
  sage: command not found

How can I get Sage's python to be worked so that I can import sage.all
in python shell?

The fact that you have no executable called "sage" suggests that you
haven't actually installed it yet.  Check the Sage website, which has
plenty of documentation, and try to figure out where you left the path on
whichever method you used.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

Dear Rhodri James,
Thanks for your response. But I have installed sage-4.6 as per
instructions. Sage-4.6 folder is in my ~/Desktop, therefore, from ~/
Desktop/sage-4.6 I can initiate ./sage and can work with sage.

-- Akand


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