Eric Frederich, 17.12.2010 23:58:
I have an extension module for a 3rd party library in which I am
wrapping some structures.
My initial attempt worked okay on Windows but failed on Linux.
I was doing it in two parts.
The first part on the C side of things I was turning the entire
structure into a char array.
The second part in Python code I would unpack the structure.

Anyway, I decided I should be doing things a little cleaner so I read
up on "Defining New Types"

I got it to work but I'm not sure how to create these new objects from C.

You may want to take a look at Cython. It makes writing C extensions easy. For one, it will do all sorts of type conversions for you, and do them efficiently and safely (you get an exception on overflow, for example). It's basically Python, so creating classes and instantiating them is trivial.

Also note that it's generally not too much work to rewrite an existing C wrapper in Cython, but it's almost always worth it. You immediately get more maintainable code that's much easier to extend and work on. It's also often faster than hand written code.

My setup is almost exactly like the example on that page except
instead of 2 strings and an integer I have 5 unsigned ints.

I do not expect to ever be creating these objects in Python.  They
will only be created as return values from my wrapper functions to the
3rd party library.

In Cython 0.14, you can declare classes as "final" and "internal" using a decorator, meaning that they cannot be subtyped from Python and do not show up in the module dict. However, note that there is no way to prevent users from getting their hands at the type once you give them an instance.

I could return a tuple from those functions but I want to use dot
notation (e.g. somestruct.var1).

Then __getattr__ or properties are your friend.

So, question number 1:
     Is defining my own type like that overkill just to have an object
to access using dots?

Creating wrapper objects is totally normal.

Also note that recent Python versions have named tuples, BTW.

     I'll never create those objects from Python.
     Is there a shortcut to creating objects and setting attributes
from within C?

The Cython code for instantiating classes is identical to Python.

In any case, I was able to create my own custom object from C code like so...

     PyObject *foo(SomeCStruct bar){
         PyObject *ret;
         ret = _PyObject_New(&mymodule_SomeStructType);
         PyObject_SetAttrString(ret, "var1" , Py_BuildValue("I", bar.var1 ));
         PyObject_SetAttrString(ret, "var2" , Py_BuildValue("I", bar.var2 ));
         PyObject_SetAttrString(ret, "var3" , Py_BuildValue("I", bar.var3 ));
         PyObject_SetAttrString(ret, "var4" , Py_BuildValue("I", bar.var4 ));
         PyObject_SetAttrString(ret, "var5" , Py_BuildValue("I", bar.var5 ));
         return ret;

When using _PyObject_New I notice that neither my new or init function
are ever called.
I verified that they are getting called when creating the object from

Things often work a little different in Python and C. Directly calling _PyObject_New() is a lot less than what Python does internally. The canonical way is to PyObject_Call() the type (or to use one of the other call functions, depending on what your arguments are).

(which I would never do anyway).

Your users could do it, though, so you should make sure that won't crash the interpreter that way by leaving internal data fields uninitialised.

Question number 2:
     Do I need to be calling PyObject_SetAttrString or is there a way
to set the unsigned ints on the structure direcly?
     It seems overkill to create a Python object for an unsigned int
just to set it as an attribute on a custom defined type.

You will have to do it at some point, though, either at instantiation time or at Python access time. Depending on the expected usage, either of the two can be more wasteful.

Question number 3:
     In the above code, is there a memory leak?  Should I be
Py_DECREF'ing the return value from Py_BuildValue after I'm done using

You can look that up in the C-API docs. If a function doesn't say that it "steals" a reference, you still own the reference when it returns and have to manually decref it (again, a thing that you won't usually have to care about in Cython). So, yes, the above leaks one reference for each call to Py_BuildValue().



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