On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Anurag Chourasia
<anurag.choura...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Python Mates,
> I have a requirement to send a XML Data to a WEB Service whose URL is of the
> form http://joule:8041/DteEnLinea/ws/EnvioGuia.jws
> I also have to read back the response returned as a result of sending this
> data to this WebService.
> This web service implements the following operations:
>    sendNCR
> This web service has no callbacks.
> I have pasted the complete WSDL for this WEB Service below my email.
> I would appreciate if someone could guide me with sample code using a Python
> Library suitable to fulfill this requirement of mine.

The ZSI or SOAPpy library should do what you need.

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