Mark Fink <> writes:

> so far I have never noticed chain.from_iterable, but many thanks to
> you Peter, I have now a beautiful solution to this problem.
>>>> from itertools import chain
>>>> comb = it.combinations(dims, 2)
>>>> l = chain.from_iterable(it.imap(get_products, comb))

You can also write this as:

    l = (p for c in comb for p in get_products(c))

> [('special', '+'), ('number', 1)]
> [('special', '+'), ('number', 2)]

Also in your original post you define get_products:

>>>> def get_products(keys):
> ...     # helper to get products from keys in the following form:
> ...     # [('bold', True), ('color', 'black')]
> ...     values  = itemgetter(*keys)(dims)
> ...     product = it.product(*values)
> ...     return map(partial(zip, keys), product)
> ...

You could define it as e.g.

    def get_products(keys):
        key_values = [[(k, v) for v in values] for k in keys]
        return it.product(*key_values)

But maybe for some reason you are trying to avoid list comprehensions
and generator expressions?


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