On 12/22/2010 9:20 AM, kj wrote:

from collections import Mapping

Documented as an *ABSTRACT* base class. ABCs were added in 3.0 and backparted to 2.7. One can be quite competant in Python completely ignoring ABCs.

issubclass(dict, Mapping)

Yes, dict is a concrete Mapping class. I suppose we could have instead added a new builtin function 'isconcretetizationof' but is seemed easier to reuse issubclass for the test. Most people have no problem with that.

(<type 'object'>,)

The one and only *CONCRETE* base class. In 3.x, all classes are subclasses of object, which simplifies the class model a bit.

[issubclass(b, Mapping) for b in dict.__bases__]

So dict is a subclass of Mapping, even though none of the bases of
dict is either Mapping or a subclass of Mapping.  Great.

Right. dict is direct concrete Mapping implementation and not subclassed from one.

The main reason for introducing ABCs was to make it easier to test whether an object passed to a function is an instance of a possibly unknown or yet-to-be-written class in an abstract category, which has a certain api or interface. The actual usage of an ABC would be more like this:

from collections import Mapping
def f(m):
        if not isinstance(m, Mapping):
                raise ValueError('input is not a mapping')
        else: return True

# True
# produces
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#8>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<pyshell#6>", line 3, in f
    raise ValueError('input is not a mapping')
ValueError: input is not a mapping

Terry Jan Reedy


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