[Reordered to preserve context in bottom posting]
On 2010-12-23, Hidura <hid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/12/22, Tim Harig <user...@ilthio.net>:
>> On 2010-12-22, Sean <secr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Anybody know where I can find a Python Development Environment in the
>>> form of a web app for use with Chrome OS. I have been looking for a
>>> few days and all i have been able to find is some old discussions with
>>> python developers talking about they will want one for the OS to be a
>>> success with them.
>> Personally, I think a web app based IDE would be ghastly; but, you might
>> have a look at Mozilla Skywriter (formerly Bespin):
> Why grashtly?

I don't personally think the web makes a good framework for highly
interactive applications as they must work within the constraints of the
browser and IDEs are highly interactive applications by their very nature.
Perhaps HTML5/CSS3 will change things; but, standard DOM manipulation,
as I am accustomed to seeing it, cannot generate the kind of rendering
that is available from native applications.  Attempts to do so end up being

It also cannot handle the kinds of desktop integrations that are common
for native applications without opening up serious security trust issues.
(Can everybody say ActiveX fiasco?)

Finally, there are difficulties in handling keystrokes without conflicting
with the browser's native key bindings.  I seldom ever touch a mouse
and I am a huge fan of vi, mutt, slrn, screen, ratpoison, etc. where
the primary interface is totally accessable through the keyboard without
having to tab through many options.

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