Am 23.12.2010 10:04, schrieb Benedict Verheyen:
On 22/12/2010 18:47, Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens wrote:
Am 22.12.2010 09:33, schrieb Benedict Verheyen:
Did you try

apt-get install build-essential
apt-get build-dep python2.7

before trying to compile ?

Anyway, the config.log file is always of special interest.
Btw, which Debian release are you running ?
If the system is set up correctly it should not be necessary to change env vars 
to get it built.

I use Debian stable so "apt-get build-dep python2.7" doesn't work.
I removed all installed Python 2.7.1 files and so on and tried to build/install 
from scratch.
Now i can't get Python to find the readline library.
What is the normal procedure to make sure the readline library is found?

I downloaded readline 6.1, build it and installed it to $HOME/local
$HOME/local/lib contains

I did the following to try to enable detection of the libreadline:

- vi Modules/Setup and uncomment the line that specifies the readline module.
   Added -L$HOME/local/lib
- Tried ./configure with env CPPFLAGS="-I$HOME/local/include" 
- Edit, to add_dirs to $HOME/local/include and $HOME/local/lib
- Tried to export CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS

Nothing seems to work.
What am i doing wrong?


apt-get build-dep python 2.6
should do, the dependencies haven't changed (IMHO).
Then wipe away $HOME/usr/local (if you can, btw),
reset all env vars to default (perhaps reboot).
Then untar python from scratch, cd into that dir, and type
./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr/local
make install

that should be all.
Otherwise your box is somewhat messed up.

Anyway, your config.log is of special interest (did I say that already ?)

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