On Dec 23, 2:01 pm, small Pox <smallpox...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What is the the best style and theory of writing a complier in your
> language
> Maybe a book will suffice.
> http://www.veteranstoday.com/2010/12/18/gordon-duff-gov-jesse-ventura...
> I want to parse the contents of the above link into hebrew audio.

I expect this from the zionists of both stripes

Shalom Israel

David Epstein Incest Charges: Columbia Professor Charged With Sleeping
With Daughter

A Columbia political science professor has been charged with having a
sexual relationship with his 24-year-old daughter, the Columbia Daily
Spectator reports.

David Epstein, 46, was charged Thursday with one count of third-degree
incest. Police told the Spectator that the relationship appeared

Epstein is currently on administrative leave.

According to the New York Daily News, Epstein and the woman had a
three-year sexual relationship and often exchanged "twisted text

The Spectator reports that Epstein is married to another Columbia
political science professor, Sharyn O'Halloran, though a recent update
to his Facebook page says he is single. The couple was featured in a
2008 Spectator article about professors who "bring love to work."

"Our complementary skills lead to a great partnership," O'Halloran
told the Spectator.

One student described Epstein, who was teaching a class on game theory
this semester, as a "very nice guy." Outside of his professorial
duties, Epstein also blogged for this website, on topics ranging from
torture to Sarah Palin.


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