On 2010-12-30 19:46:24 -0500, rantingrick said:

On Dec 30, 6:32 pm, Robert <sigz...@gmail.com> wrote:
Exactly how is Tcl too limited in your view?

Well Robert if have explain to you why C and Python make Tcl look
limited by comparison then explaining will probably do neither of us
any good. But if you think Tcl is so great by all means go spend the
next couple of years writing legacy code until you realize one day it
was all for nothing.

You make a big assumption. That I program in Tcl. I do not. I am simply curious why you are being such a non-gentleman. If I was going to program in Tcl, I would use Gnocl (a GTk binding) and not Tk. Tcl and C will get anyone just as far as Python and C or you suck as a programmer.

Just to clarify...I like Python. I am learning it at the moment.

But let's get back on topic here shall we. I have some questions
specifically for you Robert...

1. Have you ever used Tkinter?

Yes...nothing big though.

2. If so, explain what you created with it in detail?

Simple utilities is all. Simple meaning ~500-1000 LOC. I have done a few of those just to scratch an itch.

3. What is your opinion of Tkinter as to it's usefulness within the

No, I really don't see the need for it to be in the stdlib but that isn't my call. I am not a huge fan of Tk as it is.

4. How long should we keep Tkinter in the stdlib?

See the last answer. I would yank it.

5. Should Python even have a GUI in the stdlib?

I would say "no" but that is my opinion only and it doesn't matter. Python's domain isn't GUI programming so having it readily available on the sidelines would be fine for me.

6. If Python should have a GUI, then what traits would serve our
community best?

This is a good one.

It should be:

- cross platform
- Pythonic
- as "native" as possible

Cross platform and native are hard. Just look at all the work with PyQt/PySide and wxPython. It took them years to get where they are.

I will be really surprised if you answer any of these questions. And
sorry, but i did not have time to spec out a multiple choice Q&A for
you. So take your time Robert. :)

Hey, there you go. At least I have real answers.  :-)



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