On Saturday, January 1, 2011 10:00:06 AM UTC-5, Robert H wrote:
> Right, just because you say it paints me in a negative light. Look at 
> every language out there and look within the groups. Everyone is trying 
> to revinvent the wheel to (in their view) make it better. 

"Everyone" is doing nothing of the sort, hence why Tcl "irks" you.  Or are you 
so forgetful that you can't even remember what you said a few days ago?

> Your argument is sad to me.

At least I've made an argument, whereas you've done nothing of the sort.  Just 
because you take wheel reinvention == good as a tautology doesn't mean everyone 
else does.  Again, what point is there in attempting to win a non-existent 
popularity contest?


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