On Jan 2, 1:01 pm, Gerry Reno <gr...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Ok, visiting this page:
> http://syntensity.com/static/python.html
> I do not see anything happen when I click 'execute' button.  I'm running
> Firefox 3.6.3.

I've only tested with Firefox 4. I'm surprised though that it wouldn't
work on 3.6.3. Can you see what errors appear in the error console

If no errors appear, it might be a failure due to limited script stack
space (which is fixed in FF4, and I guess is a problem in earlier

> So what is happening is that the whole Python interpreter has been
> converted to Javascript and is running the browser, is that correct?


> Ok, but the usual browser 'sandbox' constraints would still apply would
> they not?

Yes, the JavaScript is limited in the usual ways. So Python is running
in a sandboxed manner.

> And what is the build toolchain that you need if you want to convert
> your modules to be importable with this "CPython on the Web"?

Note that loading modules isn't implemented yet, but I'll work on it

The toolchain will be to use your normal makefiles and such, but
replacing gcc with llvm-gcc or clang, so it generates LLVM bytecode
instead of a normal binary. Then one would run the generated LLVM
bytecode through Emscripten, which compiles it to JavaScript. So, the
process should be fairly simple.

- azakai

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