
Shuffling files around in my project, I notice I broke everything when I
stopped declaring classes in a program that "pickled.loaded" existing
pickled object of type "classes".

The error message being that the class(es) was unknown.

However, I _think_, I did manage to do the following in the past:

1) pickle.dump class "test" with field "A" intialized in declaration
2) pickle.load class "test" and add field "B" then pickle.dumps it
3) pickl.load class "test" with no problem although field "B" was not
initialized in that declaration.

I have two questions:

1) Why cannot the interpreter accept to load an object which class is not
defined ?
2) assuming the above (.... I _think_ ....) is true, why then is there not
problem in loading an object which changes dynamically.

Hope I'm making sense.

Any clue ?




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