On 6 Gen, 23:59, Ian <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 6, 3:49 pm, francesco <cerutti.francesco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm pretty new in Python language. I have a problem with numbers: it
> > seems python doesn't know any more how to count!
> > I get only the down rounded integer
> > 20/8 = 2
> > 8/3=2
> > I probably changed some option to round the numbers, but I don't
> > remember how.
> > Is there a way to reset the number of digits to default?
> In Python 2, the '/' operator performs integer division by default
> when both its operands are integers.  To change this, either place
> this at the top of the file:
> from __future__ import division
> or convert your numbers to floats:
> >>> 20.0 / 8.0
> 2.5
> >>> float(20) / float(8)
> 2.5
> In Python 3, the '/' operator always performs true division.

Thanks to all! Very quick answer!
I fixed the problem by using floats.
Thanks again

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