On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Ned Deily <n...@acm.org> wrote:

> In article
> <aanlktik2eii-mwhg-eh_xe9kfhiylhyefzpvm7yzg...@mail.gmail.com>,
>  Garland Fulton <stacks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I don't understand what I'm doing wrong i've tried several different
> cases
> > for what i am doing here. Will someone please point my error out.
> >  15         print("counter: ", counter
> Missing ")" on line 15.
> --
>  Ned Deily,
>  n...@acm.org
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

  1 #!/bin/bash/python
  2 import math
  3 try:
  4     x = int(input("Enter your number: "))
  5     if 0 >  x > 2147483647:
  6         raise Exception()
  7     else:
  8         end = 0
  9         count = 0
 10         count1 = x
 11         counter = 0
 12         print("end: ", end)
 13         print("count: ", count)
 14         print("count1: ", count1)
 15         print("counter: ", counter)
 17               while end == 0:                              #
<-------------------returns syntax error on this while statement
 18                   if(count < x):
 20                       sol = math.pow(count, 2) + math.pow(count1, 2)
 21                       count += 1
 22                       count1 -= 1
 23                       print("end: ", end)
 24                       print("count: ", count)
 25                       print("count1: ", count1)
 26                       print("counter: ", counter)
 27                           if sol == x:
 28                           counter += x
 29                   else:
 30                       end = 1
 31 except Exception as ran:
 32    print("Value not within range", ran)

  File "blah.py", line 17
    while (end == 0):                              #
<-------------------returns syntax error on this while statement
IndentationError: unexpected indent

Thank you and I'm sorry for the very blind question, it was because of the
missing par-ends  I have spent a while on this won't happen again. What is
wrong with my shebang line?
Thank you for the syntax tips!

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