On Sat, 2011-01-08 at 16:07 +0000, kj wrote: 
> There's a zillion utility apps that I've had kicking around in my
> head for years, but I've never implemented because I absolutely
> hate GUI programming.
> But I'm increasingly impressed by the quality, stability, and sheer
> number, of Gnome apps that I keep coming across that use Python
> under the hood.
> This gives me hope that maybe programming GUI Python apps for Gnome
> these days is no longer the traumatizing experience it used to be
> when I last tried it.
> Can someone recommend some good tools to speed up the development
> of Python apps[1] for Gnome?  E.g. is there anything like Xcode
> for Gnome+Python?

I use Monodevelop for coding in Python, but I'm only writing server-side
Python.  While Monodevelop provides an excellent [possibly the best] Gtk
UI designer I believe that component only works for C#.

There are a variety of articles on the PyGTK
<http://pygtk.org/articles.html> site;  Glade is the UI designer you
probably want.

I've also found
which covers TreeViews which are the most tedious part of Gtk application 

Note that, technically, Glade is deprecated and replaced with
GtkBuilder.  But I believe the application is still called Glade.

> [1] Needless to say, when I write "apps" I mean full-blown GUI
> apps: windows, menus, events, threads, clickable icon, the whole
> ball of wax.  As opposed to cli apps, panel widgets, etc.

Awesome;  although I've avoided [to do Python's myriad deployment
issues] Python for fat-client apps I'm becoming more and more tempted.


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