On 1/8/2011 3:03 PM, Roy Smith wrote:
If I have an absolute path to a file (i.e. '/home/roy/foo.py'), is there
a way to import that as a module WITHOUT modifying sys.path?  I'm using
Python 2.6.

Import from another file in /home/roy. (since '.' is part of sys.path).
Or put module or package of modules in Lib/site-packages.
But why the horror of modifying sys.path? It is normal proceedure.

I've read PEP 328, and don't really understand how the absolute imports
it's talking about are supposed to work.

Those are the normal imports that start from a directory in sys.path. Relative imports (now) are ones that use '.'s to locate relative to the importing module. I have never done that. Purpose is to make a subpackage relocatable to another package without modification.

Should I be using imp.load_source()?

No idea, never done that. Try it if you want.

Terry Jan Reedy


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