rantingrick schrieb:
On Jan 18, 7:09 am, Arndt Roger Schneider <arndt.ro...@addcom.de>

Summary wxWidgets:
wxWidgets is large scale C++ library from the 20th century,
solemnly dedicated toward desktop computers.
wxWidgets originates from a time before templates
were used in C++ and thus duplicates many of
today's C++ features.
wxWidgets is not suitable for a modern type
GUI ad thus clearly not the toolkit/framework
of the 21st century.

Alight i'll except that Rodger. Wx may be unusable for the mobile
market. And since the mobile market is exploding --and will continue
to explode-- then we need to consider this. However, does any GUI
library exist that can handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility and
do it all in a 21st century way? You slaughtered wx but failed to
provide any alternative, however i am listing to your advice contently
because it is very good advice. Read on...

Thanks! Again this is not about the quality of wxWidgets,
wxWidgets grew large because there was vested interest in it.
Its success is its undoing.

We DO need to consider the mobile market in this decision. Maybe it is
time for us to actually get on the cutting edge of GUI's. Maybe we
should head an effort to create a REAL 21st century GUI that can
handle desktop, mobile, and accessibility, and do it all whilst
looking very sharp! Sure we rob from peter to pay paul. We will use
Tkinters awesome API and geometry managers, wxPythons feature
richness, and any other code we can steal to make this work!

I am not sure whether this sarcasms or for real...,
so I'll take for genuine.

Tk is also doomed, and Tkinter isn't Tk.
You are right about keeping the separate geometry
managers, though.

For starters:

Swank publishes java/swing classes as tk
in jtcl, which is similar to what tkinter does for
python and tk.

It should be feasible to use swank with the
tkinter interface for jpython--without jtcl.
However, this doesn't make tkinter mobile,
neither is swing available on android.
When you look into the android developer
documents concerning the gui, then you can see
that the gui model is quite similar to tk.
So I suppose android can be reached by jpython
in a two stage process.

The other devices are more difficult to reach, though.
There is webkit on some, but not all. Webkit
is available for the desktop, ios and android--today without svg.

There are two ways to gain graphical independence:
First a basic implementation for each platform and
second through abstraction.

With abstraction I mean to base the gui on a common graphical
model present on all platforms and hence to implement the
"toolkit" on-top of it in python (not C, C++, java,javascript), python!
The single common graphical model is SVG.

Then we can "advertise" python as the best GUI language available. I
have nothing against seeing Python on more devices and this would no
doubt bring that dream into fruition. There is a huge hole in the
market at this very moment and we need to pounce on it like a hungry
tiger on wildebeest. Just think how wonderful it would be to switch
from mobile to desktop and still write beatiful Python code.

So be it.

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