On 2011-01-18, MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> On 18/01/2011 19:22, rantingrick wrote:

>> Thanks for offering a suggestion it was very welcome however i need to
>> emphasize that what i am proposing is sort of "community discussion
>> suggestion box". Like a "Python Suggestions" group or something. Where
>> any and all suggestions, rants, complaints, ideas, etc, are welcome
>> from anyone without fear of reprisals.
>> However, in order for this to succeed the "elite" must take the time
>> to actually read it. Maybe we could have some trusted "proof readers"
>> who could sift out the spam and useless stuff and then send a modified
>> version to the senate for congressional reviewing. Of course at that
>> point the senate can further narrow down the list before sending over
>> to the white house. This is the only way (short of sending out
>> warnings in the python releases) that you can actually get a feel for
>> what Joe and Jane Python programmer are happy with.

> The Python community are volunteers. Nothing gets done until someone
> volunteers to do it. The "suggestion box" is your idea. Why don't you
> set it up and report back?

He goes by the name of "ranting rick", and you're suggesting that
instead of talking he rolls up his sleeves and does something.

I suspect you're barking into the wind...

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Yes, but will I
                                  at               see the EASTER BUNNY in
                              gmail.com            skintight leather at an
                                                   IRON MAIDEN concert?

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