On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 19:18:49 +0000 (UTC)
Tim Harig <user...@ilthio.net> wrote:
> On 2011-01-19, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:
> > On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 18:02:22 +0000 (UTC)
> > Tim Harig <user...@ilthio.net> wrote:
> >> Converting to a fixed byte
> >> representation (UTF-32/UCS-4) or separating all of the bytes for each
> >> UTF-8 into 6 byte containers both make it possible to simply index the
> >> letters by a constant size.  You will note that Python does the
> >> former.
> >
> > Indeed, Python chose the wise option. Actually, I'd be curious of any
> > real-world software which successfully chose your proposed approach.
> The point is basically the same.  I created an example because it
> was simpler to follow for demonstration purposes then an actual UTF-8
> conversion to any official multibyte format.  You obviously have no
> other purpose then to be contrary [...]

Right. You were the one who jumped in and tried to lecture everyone on
how UTF-8 was "big-endian", and now you are abandoning the one esoteric
argument you found in support of that.

> As soon as you start to convert to a multibyte format the endian issues
> occur.

Ok. Good luck with your "endian issues" which don't exist.


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