Philippe C. Martin wrote:
> PS: Since your starting with TKinter, and although I do not know what your
> goal is, I suggest you take a look at wxPython: it is _wonderfull_ ! (no
> offence to TCL/TK)
> Regards,
> Philippe
> VK wrote:
>>Philippe C. Martin wrote:
>>>I think your second call to Tk() does it: this works although the look is
>>>from Tkinter import *
>>>class GetVariant:
>>>     def __init__(self):
>>>         self.root = Tk()
>>>         self.mainframe = Frame(self.root,bg="yellow")
>>>         self.mainframe.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1)
>>>         self.firstframe = Frame(self.mainframe,bg="red")
>>>         self.firstframe.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand=1)
>>>         global v
>>>         v = StringVar()
>>>         self.radiobutton = Radiobutton(self.firstframe,text= "Variant
>>>1", variable=v, value="Variant 1")
>>>         self.radiobutton.pack(side=TOP,anchor=W)
>>>         self.radiobutton = Radiobutton(self.firstframe,text= "Variant
>>>2", variable=v, value="Variant 2")
>>>         self.radiobutton.pack(side=TOP,anchor=W)
>>>         self.radiobutton = Radiobutton(self.firstframe,text= "Variant
>>>3", variable=v, value="Variant 3")
>>>         self.radiobutton.pack(side=TOP,anchor=W)
>>>         self.secondframe = Frame(self.mainframe,bg="blue")
>>>         self.secondframe.pack()
>>>         self.var = Button(self.secondframe,text="What
>>>         self.var.pack(expand=1,side=BOTTOM)
>>>     def call(self):
>>>         self.variant = v.get()
>>>         print 'Input => "%s"' % self.variant
>>>class OneButton:
>>>         def __init__(self):
>>>             self.root = Tk()
>>>             Button(self.root,text="click me",command=self.getvar).pack()
>>>         def getvar(self):
>>>             a=GetVariant()
>>>d = OneButton()
>>>VK wrote:
>>>>What I'm missing in following code? Cannot get the values of
>>>>radiobuttons. Starting only one class (GetVariant), it works. When I put
>>>>two classes together, it doesn't.
>>>>Regards, VK
>>>>from Tkinter import *
>>>>class GetVariant:
>>>>    def __init__(self):
>>>>        self.root = Tk()
>>>>        self.mainframe = Frame(self.root,bg="yellow")
>>>>        self.mainframe.pack(fill=BOTH,expand=1)
>>>>        self.firstframe = Frame(self.mainframe,bg="red")
>>>>        self.firstframe.pack(side=BOTTOM,expand=1)
>>>>        global v
>>>>        v = StringVar()
>>>>        self.radiobutton = Radiobutton(self.firstframe,text= "Variant
>>>>1", variable=v, value="Variant 1")
>>>>        self.radiobutton.pack(side=TOP,anchor=W)
>>>>        self.radiobutton = Radiobutton(self.firstframe,text= "Variant
>>>>2", variable=v, value="Variant 2")
>>>>        self.radiobutton.pack(side=TOP,anchor=W)
>>>>        self.radiobutton = Radiobutton(self.firstframe,text= "Variant
>>>>3", variable=v, value="Variant 3")
>>>>        self.radiobutton.pack(side=TOP,anchor=W)
>>>>        self.secondframe = Frame(self.mainframe,bg="blue")
>>>>        self.secondframe.pack()
>>>>        self.var = Button(self.secondframe,text="What
>>>>        self.var.pack(expand=1,side=BOTTOM)
>>>>    def call(self):
>>>>        self.variant = v.get()
>>>>        print 'Input => "%s"' % self.variant
>>>>class OneButton:
>>>>        def __init__(self):
>>>>            self.root = Tk()
>>>>            Button(self.root,text="click me",command=self.getvar).pack()
>>>>        def getvar(self):
>>>>            a=GetVariant()
>>>>d = OneButton()
>>Sorry, but I don't get it. There is no deference between my code and
>>your answer. I'm beginner...

Thanks for your help! Toplevel made the job.
Reg. VK

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