I just noticed that the following passage in RFC 822:

        The process of moving  from  this  folded   multiple-line
        representation  of a header field to its single line represen-
        tation is called "unfolding".  Unfolding  is  accomplished  by
        regarding   CRLF   immediately  followed  by  a  LWSP-char  as
        equivalent to the LWSP-char.

is not being honored by the email module. The following two invocations of message_from_string() should return the same value, but that's not what happens:

>>> import email
>>> email.message_from_string("Subject: blah").get('SUBJECT')
>>> email.message_from_string("Subject:\n blah").get('SUBJECT')
' blah'

Note the space in front of the second value returned, but missing from the first. Can someone convince me that this is not a bug?

Bob Kline


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