On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 21:25 -0800, "rusi" <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2:45 am, "Clark C. Evans" <c...@clarkevans.com> wrote:
> > Kirill Simonov and myself would like to introduce HTSQL, a novel
> > approach to relational database access which is neither an ORM 
> > nor raw SQL.
> Given the claim htsql is higher level than sql I am interested in
> bill-of-materials type (recursive) queries.


HTSQL 2.0 does not yet support SQL's common table expressions.  
However, this particular use case, along with CUBE, server-side 
stored procedures, and related needs is what made us branch 
from our 1.X production release.  Our immediate focus is SQL-92.  
Once we cover most SELECT patterns and SQL back-ends, we'll be 
looking at SQL:1999, SQL:2003, and SQL:2008 (as well as 
proprietary equivalents such as Oracle's CONNECT BY).



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