On Jan 23, 12:21 pm, rantingrick <rantingr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The code does work. You just lack the skill to run it.

I not only possess the skill to run it, but to find fault it in
through simple inspection.  All of the bugs I found, but one, I found
through reading the .py file. Heck, I'm so good that I guessed two of
the bugs before I downloaded the code because both are rank amateur
mistakes, and I'm not convinced you even rise to the level of amateur.

> What are these "so-called" bugs exactly?

1. There's a bug related to loading of your resources.
2. There's a bug related to when file I/O is performed.
3/4. There's at least two bugs related to handling of a specific mouse
5. There's a bug related to reporting errors to the user.

All of these bugs, except one[1], show a grave misunderstanding about
how GUI toolkits operate and/or how the underlying operating systems

>Remember this code is not meant to WOW anyone.

That's apparent from simple inspection of the code!  Not only does it
not wow, it doesn't even illustrate your own example to a degree that
could be reasonably considered competent.  It demonstrates you didn't
even test the functionality you provided in your own code, or that if
you did, you're entirely clueless about GUI design fundamentals.

> The main point is to create a
> ListCtrl that has two view modes, icons, and editable items. You lack
> simple reading and comprehension skills Adam.

And your code will not do that in a whole host of common situations
that a GUI application is reasonably expected to handle.  It is not
sufficiently robust to be interesting.

> Adam you were one of the biggest trolls in the "other" thread. We
> don't need you trolling up this one too. Can you write any code? I
> have produced code and no one has offered a rebuttal using the Tkinter
> module. This is because only a handful of the entire community has the
> skills to create something like this with Tkinter.

No, it's because your code is complete and utter shite and there's
zero point in attempting to replicate it.  Your code does not work,
even if you think it does.  I'm not the only person who's noted this.

> HOWEVER YOU ARE NOT IN THIS GROUP ADAM. You are a troll, and that is
> all you can do. Prove me wrong if you can...

I already have.  Confirmation of some of the bugs I've noted exists in
this very thread.  Thus, I'm quite capable of reading and
comprehending Python code.  The same remains to be seen with you.


[1] Which is only because wxWidgets has a bug in this regard.  That
being said, a workaround exists and trivial to find online.

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