On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 6:43 PM, Shruti Sanadhya <s.sanad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running a script that uses dictionaries on Python 2.6.4 on Ubuntu 9.10.
> I notice that my script crashes with a MemoryError when my dictionary
> reaches 44739243th entry. My system has 3GB RAM (32-bit). I noticed that
> changing the key or value types also did not help my code. For simplicity I
> tried running this:
> #BEGIN:python code
> import sys
> f={}
> lsize=0
> try:
>     for k in range(0,4*44739243):
>         f[k]=k
>         if sys.getsizeof(f) > lsize:
>             lsize = sys.getsizeof(f)
>             print k, lsize
> except:
>     print k, lsize
>     raise
> #END:python code
> The code terminates with:
> "Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "pydict-limit.py", line 6, in <module>
>     f[k]=k
> MemoryError"
> I have also tried running this on Ubuntu 9.10 with Python 2.6.6 with 3.5GB
> RAM(32-bit) and a 64-bit LINUX cluster machine with 62GB RAM and Python 2.4.
> On both these machines it crashed at entry 44739243. The size of the data
> structure grows to 1.5GB. On another 64-bit cluster machine with 32GB RAM
> and Python 2.6.6 it crashed at entry 178956970. In this case the size of the
> data structure grew to 6GB.
> Has anybody encountered this before? Can somebody suggest any fix for this?
> I am trying to read some 10GB network traces into a hash table(hence
> dictionary) and need constant time lookup. Clearly increasing the machine
> RAM does not work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Shruti

If you need strict controls over how much memory is used, you might be
better off with C or something.  Or Cython would give you a Pythonic
syntax with C's datastructures (as well as Python-style
datastructures, but that gets back into memory unpredictability).  On
an Ubuntu system, you can probably "man hcreate" to get some info on a
hash table accessible from C.

If you need a huge "dictionary", then using something like gdbm or
bsddb might be good, though I doubt these are constant time - they're
more like single-table databases, where the keys and values must all
be strings or serialized non-strings.  However, they should be fine
with huge dictionaries.  They have the advantage of providing a pretty
dictionary-like interface.  This almost certainly would not bump into
any memory limits, as they are disk-based.

If you really do need to keep things in RAM (VM), you might try this
module: http://stromberg.dnsalias.org/~strombrg/treap/ on one of your
64 bit systems, preferably with a recent cpython like 2.6 or 2.7 built
with a 64 bit compiler.  It too is not constant time, but it is
O(c*log(n)) with a small c, at the expense of a higher standard
deviation in write times compared to something like a red/black tree
(better average performance though).  This provides a very
dictionary-like interface.  It would implicitly store things sorted by
key, incidentally, though that may be unimportant in your application.
 This may or may not have the same memory issues as the dictionary -
and I'd be very interested in hearing whether they do or not.

You might also be able to read everything into a big list, then sort
it.  Then use the bisect module to do log(n) time lookups.  This does
not give a dictionary-like interface or constant time, but it doesn't
require anything outside of CPython's standard library.  It may or may
not have the same memory issues you were seeing with dictionaries.

Here's something based on your code above, that works with the
mentioned treap module.  I found that it required about 1 gig for each
10% of the numbers the code was trying to save - on a 32 bit, Ubuntu
10.10 system.  However, I have only 3 gig of RAM, so I terminated it
before it got to a memory error:


import sys
import treap
f = treap.treap()
top = 4*44739243
        for k in xrange(0, top):
                sys.stdout.write('%d %f%%\r' % (k, k * 100.0 / top))

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