Gerald Britton wrote:
Hi all,

Today I was thinking about a problem I often encounter. [snip]

1. You need to call this thing many times with different arguments, so
you wind up with:

   x = some.deeply.nested.object.method(some.other.deeply.nested.object.value1)
   y = some.deeply.nested.object.method(some.other.deeply.nested.object.value2)
   z = some.deeply.nested.object.method(some.other.deeply.nested.object.value3)
Gerald Britton
This is not solved by style but by design.
You simply don't use too much nested objects. That's a sign of something wrong in your overall object model.

Since I do not encounter this problem as often as you are, I guess it is a matter of habbits.

however, considering what

"import as myModule"

is doing, I guess using a local variable to store your nested method is just fine.


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