On 02/01/2011 11:36 PM, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
>>>     twistd -n web --port <port> --wsgi <application>
>> The problem is rather simple. The host in question is not 100% under my
>> control. I can request to have packages installed if they're in the list
>> of available packages.
>> python 2.4 is part of it. twisted is not
> You may be able to install Twisted (or even wsgilib) in your home
> directory.  For example, the command:
>     python setup.py --prefix ~/.local
> will install Twisted (or maybe wsgilib) in ~/.local/lib/python2.4/site-
> packages/.  Add that to your PYTHONPATH (eg in your .bashrc) and
> you're basically all set.  Also, though Twisted has some extension
> modules, they're optional.  So you should be fine without a compiler,
> *except* that distutils doesn't cope so well with certain cases.  If
> you find "setup.py install" fails for some reason, you can also just
> add the unpacked source directory to PYTHONPATH and run it in-place
> without installation.

Thanks a lot you gave me some new ideas.

I made first attempts with virtualenv
and easy_install

no module with C-code can be installed (some issue with tool chain)

- wsgilib installation failed therefore
- twisted installation failed therefore

I untarred twisted and tried to run twistd.

it complains about missing zope.interface
installing of zope.interface fails also with gcc error.

It seems I am currently stuck until I find a simplistic python only
solution for quick standalone wsgi_module tests.


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