On Feb 11, 9:15 am, DataSmash <r...@new.rr.com> wrote:
> Can someone help me understand why Example #1 & Example #2 will run
> the functions,
> while Example #3 DOES NOT?
> Thanks for your time!
> R.D.
> def One():
>     print "running fuction 1"
> def Two():
>     print "running fuction 2"
> def Three():
>     print "running fuction 3"
> # Example #1
> fList = ["Two()","Three()"]
> for func in fList:
>     exec func
> # Example #2
> Two()
> Three()
> # Example #2
> fList = ["Two()","Three()"]
> for func in fList:
>     func

Example 1 is executing the code inside strings
Example 2 is evaluating two functions and throwing the result away
Example 3 is evaluating literals and throwing the result away

I don't know why you would expect the third example to run the
Maybe running this version will enlighten you:

fList = ["random","stuff"]
for func in fList:


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