On Feb 13, 1:29 am, aspineux <aspin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm releasing a .exe made with py2exe myself an got this problem too.
> 99% of the time the required DLL is already installed by another
> application and you don't need to care about it.
> The 1% is about empty or fresh windows install (server most of the
> time)
> For them, I provide a link to the M$ vcredist and a warning in my
> download page asking them to install it them self.
> Take a look at my site for the vcredist link 
> :http://www.magikmon.com/mksbackup/download.en.html
> Regards
> Alain
> On Feb 12, 9:06 pm, joy99 <subhakolkata1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear Room,
> > I am using Windows XP (SP2) and a Python Version "Python 2.6.5
> > (r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 21:48:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on
> > win32".
> > I was looking to create exe files. Reviewing various posts here, I
> > felt py2exe may be the best thing I can opt for.
> > But for Python2.6 I found the following note in the py2exe tutorial:
> > "For Python 2.6, the DLL you need is called MSVCR90.dll. Py2exe is not
> > able to automatically include this DLL in your dist directory, so you
> > must provide it yourself.
> > To complicate things, there is more than one version of this DLL in
> > existance, each with the same filename. You need the same version that
> > the Python interpreter was compiled with, which is version
> > 9.0.21022.8. Through the remainder of these instructions, hover your
> > mouse over the dll file (or the vcredist_x86.exe installer executable)
> > to confirm which version you've got. "
> > My questions are:
> > (i) From where I can download "MSVCR90.dll" ? Is there any trusted
> > site?
> > (ii) How to install the same?
> > (iii) Would py2exe work fine if I install it?
> > (iv) Is there any other exe creating program which does not have all
> > these problems?
> > As it is a room for expert python developers, I felt to ask you, if
> > any one can kindly find some time to resolve my query, I would be
> > honored.
> > Thanks in Advance,
> > Best Regards,
> > Subhabrata.

Hi Alain,
Thank you for your product information. But, with my problem
installation is okay.
The first two steps:
"from distutils.core import setup
 import py2exe"
but as I am giving

the setup file is not being generated. It is giving some error
Any suggestions?
Best Regards,


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