On Feb 14, 8:51 pm, Dave Angel <da...@ieee.org> wrote:
> On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Martin De Kauwe wrote:
> > <snip>
> > from other_model import OtherSubModel
> > class Model:
> >      def __init__(self):
> >          # included other external modules (i.e. in other files)
> >          om =therSubModel()
> >      def run(self):
> >          # call other submodel and pass params
> >          om.run(params)
> What's om supposed to be?  You define a local variable in one method,
> and try to use it in a different one ????
> Perhaps you meant  self.om =
>  > class OtherSubModel:
>  >     def __init__(self):
>  >         #some stuff
>  >
>  >     def run(params):
> You're missing a self here in the formal parameter list.
> DaveA

I was trying to write a smaller version of broadly what I think i am
doing, perhaps I am not implementing it correctly. I have one model
which I have coded as a class, there were a few parts which could be
used separately (sub-models). So I decided to make them separate
classes in separate files which I *thought* I could just join up into
one package at run time. This way I could also use these modules

So in the dummy example

the other file is imported

from other_model import OtherSubModel

amd om = OtherSubModel was me making an instance of it? And then when
I called the *run* part of this sub-model I was passing it the
parameter file. I am sensing I have this wrong?

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