On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Erik de Castro Lopo <er...@mega-nerd.com>wrote:

> Definitely not. As I said I used Python for a number of years
> and ditched it in favour of Ocaml and Haskell.
These are all 3 intriguing languages.  I wish I had time to learn OCaML and
Haskell, and I wish one or both of them were near gaining critical mass.  I
suspect it'll take one of them becoming implicitly parallel for that to

The ease of development and high level language features of
> Python look really good if all you know is C, C++ and Java.
> The big difference Python and those three languages is that
> there are a huge number of classes of bugs which are run time
> errors in Python but compile time errors in C/C++/Java.
> I will always chose compile time errors over run time errors.
Yes, me too.  But of course, python has pylint, pyflakes and pychecker,
which make short work of what would be compile-time errors in statically
typed languages.  For any serious python programming, I use pylint - often
even on my unit tests, which of course themselves also catch many blunders.

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