Thank you all, James, Dennis, Christos, Paul,

      Isn't it remarkable that it takes "foolishness" to earn "a little
      Anyway, even as I write this, my account balance stands unchanged at
... no, come to think of it, the account balance is definitely not a part of
the problem. I will volunteer the information, though, that the credit card
is a debit card and is good for up to the balance of the account. In
addition, I did contemplate a brute force attack. I also contemplated my
belief that it takes no more than a few lines of code to keep a teraflop
machine busy for a few billion years. So I would not discourage decoding
attempts but will state that the game as I understand it does not have any
implicit rules.



(I am not the OP. The OP was Blake T. Garretson who never returned, but
whose problem I still consider the standard by which I wish my idea to be
judged. I never intended to dabble in commercial cryptography.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: Encryption with Python?

> On 26 May 2005 14:45:28 -0700, rumours say that Paul Rubin
> <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:
> >> That's all.  I see you took up the challenge and indirectly replied to
> >> my last question, and in good spirit I say you earned a little respect
> >> from me, at least for standing up to your words.  Now I hope no-one
> >> gives a try to your data (for your own sake :)
> >I don't think the challenge was really accepted.  The algorithm
> >changed between when you issued the challenge, and when the sensitive
> >data went up.  A good algorithm doesn't need to change depending on
> >the data.  I agree with the poster who said that the strength of
> >either one of the algorithms is irrelevant, if the keyspace is just 32
> >bits.
> You are correct; the algorithm changed, and the OP admitted it himself
> in the post with the encrypted credit card data.
> However, on a practical level: before posting, I did a quick comparison,
> and the only effective change to OP's algorithm was a the addition of a
> `random.shuffle(sequence)', which AFAIU has no practical consequences as
> to whether his algorithm is unbreakable or not.
> I could say that "hey, you changed the algorithm, and that means your
> previous declaration of unbreakability wasn't." but honestly I was
> overwhelmed by the audacity (and foolishness, if these are truly his
> credit card data) of Frederic.
> ObSF: DNA; The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe; Marvin the
> paranoid android faces a gigantic black tank in the H2G2 HQ.
> --
> TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
> "Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." (from RFC1958)
> I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...
> --


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