Matt Feinstein wrote:

> On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 08:11:36 -0700, Scott David Daniels
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Propose some fixes to the documents that will make this easier for
>>the next one in line.  You don't even need to get it exactly right;
>>the person after you can fix the mistakes you make.  This is the
>>process we use for this.  See this as an opportunity to contribute,
>>not simply a frustration about how much you overpaid for the product.
> Which is why I was specific about what I didn't like about the
> documentation and why I didn't like it. Seriously, what more should I
> do? It's plainly inappropriate for me to write documentation for a
> module that I'm still struggling to learn.

Just a suggestion: post your message on the numeric discussion list (where
numarray is also discussed).  Most of the num* developers only check on
occasion, so it's very easy that your message will be simply missed by the
appropriate people, which would be a shame.  They are generally very
responsive to user requests and constructive criticism.




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