On 03/25/2011 12:05 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 19:39:21 +0100, Seldon wrote:

Hi, I have a question about generating variable assignments dynamically.
Now, I would like to use data contained in this list to dynamically
generate assignments of the form "var1 = value1", ecc where var1 is an
identifier equal (as a string) to the 'var1' in the list.

Why on earth would you want to do that?

Because I'm in this situation.  My current code is of the form:

var1 = func(arg=value1, *args)
varn = func(arg=valuen, *args)

where var1,..varn are variable names I know in advance and value1,..valuen are objects known in advance, too; func is a long invocation to a factory function. Each invocation differs only for the value of the 'arg' argument, so I have a lot of boilerplate code I'd prefer to get rid of (for readability reasons).

I thought to refactor the code in a more declarative way, like

assignment_list = (
('var1', value1),
('var2', value2),
.. ,

for (variable, value) in assignment_list:
        locals()[variable] = func(arg=value, *args)

My question is: what's possibly wrong with respect to this approach ?

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