Magnus Lycka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Of course, one might suggest that it's the task of the browser,
> and not of the scripting language, to provide a safe sandbox
> where scripts can mess around and without causing havoc on
> your computer. Such a system in the browser could be used to
> grant different rights to different parts of the net, regardless
> of what kind of scripting language the resources on those parts
> of the net use. When Firefox has something like that, it's time
> to start marketing Python for client side scripting I think.

Huh?  The language itself has to provide the sandbox.  If the
browser's control over the script language is so fine-grained as to
control every attribute access then the browser and the language are
no longer separate.  Remember that scripts have to be able to see
certain DOM elements but not others, and some of them have to be
read-only, etc.

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